JICA supports Department of Mental Health for helping and developing children with Intellectual Disability for over 3,000 cases, heading to international standard

        Many children with intellectual disability lack of opportunity and readiness for education; therefore, Rajanukul Institute ;Department of Mental Health, initiates cooperation with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and Kumamoto University by signing MOU in human development of 68 staff who are responsible for  providing service for children with intellectual and developmental disability in Thailand. The fund for development will be supported by JICA for 3 years (1 Dec 2015- Nov 2018) for helping and developing children with intellectual and developmental disability for over 3,000 cases. The goal is to turn burden into power, to develop the services to international standard and to enable independent living in the future.
Dr.Amporn Benjaponpitak, Director of Rajanukul Institute stated that “Intellectual disability (ID) is resulted in limited cognitive, learning and self adjustment in daily life. The incidence of ID is 1-3% in general population. Many studies have shown that the ID patients usually have health problems and need health care as well as support in many aspects including education more than others. However, the current data shows that only 8.4 % of the ID patients can access medical and public health services and only 14 % of them can access opportunity for education. The major cause of problem in Thailand is due to economy, low income family, lack of awareness and understand in learning development. Therefore, Ministry of Public Health is focus on increasing accessibility to medical services and human development to an expert level in health care of children with intellectual and developmental disability and support learning for daily living.”
        “Rajanukul Institute is a hub of supra specialist services for children with intellectual and developmental disability and promote role of networks in intellectual development including prevention promotion from pregnancy to studying age. Data from previous 15 years in childhood development aged 0-5 years old showed that 1 out of 3 of Thai children had development delay delayed development, which was very high. Twenty percent of children with developmental delay had delay in language and 5% children with development delay had delay in esprit, aptitude and social interaction. These delays will affect intellectual level or IQ leading to problems in reading, writing and calculation. Identification of at risk children and administration with up-to-date knowledge and technology will result in development close to ordinary children and ready for entering education system. Therefore, increase number and capability with standard of service providers in treatment and rehabilitation are really necessary in sustainable development, said Dr. Amporn Benjaponpitak.
Ms. Chieko Kajisawa, JICA executive stated that “JICA and Kumamoto University have confidence in operation by Rajanukul Institute and Thailand; consequently, support education in Japan for 68 service providers in order to develop service for intellectual and developmental disability in accordance with Thailand context. The training programs are provided by lecturers who have high expertise and experiences from world class universities such as Tokyo University of Social Welfare, Kumamoto University Hospital, etc. She hopes that the training will result in development for children with intellectual and developmental disability for over 3,000 cases and to disseminate knowledge to other service providers.”

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