Early intervention services for children from Birth to Five Years

Highlight 2: Outstanding Services

Early intervention services for children from Birth to Five Years

 Early  intervention for children from birth to five years is considered to be a good start of life before advancing to the next stages since from birth to five years is the most important stage of growth and development in all aspects of human beings. If parents and health personnel who work for early childhood master knowledge and understanding about child developmental progress, they will indeed realize and distinguish the differences between the children with early intervention and those without it or those who are neglected. As Rajanukul Institute is the organization under the Department of Mental Health offering services for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities including promotion, prevention, rehabilitation as well as proceeding research and development, it visualizes the great importance of early intervention for children from birth to five years who are intellectually and developmentally retarded or disabled. They can be developed and enhanced their potential as a normal child in physical, mental- emotional, intellectual and social aspects in order to assist them to attain their proper development or their full competence with ability to stand on their own and have a quality of lives closer or equal to normal individuals to the utmost.
Rajanukul Institute is the organization under the Department of Mental Health, MOPH that provides services for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities from birth to five years in 3 programs below:
1. Early  intervention Program (from birth to 1 year and 6 months)
2. Early  intervention Program (from 1 year and 6 months to 3 years)
3. Early  intervention Program (from 3-5 years)
Target Group: Children with intellectual and developmental disabilities from birth to five years and their parents

Activities include:
1. Individual developmental assessment
2. Individual early intervention on gross motor, fine motor, receptive language , expressive language, personal and social skills
3. Group developmental activities 
4. Teaching and training about child early intervention for parents/ guardians

1. Rajanukul Institute’s Handbook “Developmental Skills Inventory for Child from Birth to 5 Years ” 
2. Equipment of early intervention for  child from birth to 5 years 
Child development technologies that have been continuously developed throughout 20 years are Developmental Skills Inventory for Child from Birth to 5 Years handbook including training arrangements for knowledge and skills development of behavioral modification and early intervention for child caregivers, child health care and mental health of caregivers etc. Our main goal is first, the better development of intellectually disabled children and second,parents can take care of them at home. The child development requires tools to test their abilities and skills in different areas and uses them as an instructional media for the entire skills development accordingly. 

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