The Occupational Therapy Section of Rajanukul Institute arranged Learning & Creating Camps through Sensory Integration activities.

Dr.Noppawan Sriwongpanich, the deputy director of medical affairs, gave a speech to open the camp.
Ms.ChutiwanKhaewsai, Head of Rehabilitation Department reported this camp project.
      The Occupational Therapy Section of Rajanukul Institute arranged a project of “Learning & Creating”Camps through Sensory Integration activities at Shin Soponpanich hall located at 4th floor of the out patient building. This project was composed of 2 batches; the first one was held during 29th -30th June, and the last one was during 2nd-3rd July.
      The activities on the first day began with lectures on the topics of “Sensory Processing and Potential Development” by Ms.DaoruethaiPermpoonpanya, and “Yo-Senses: The Method to Decrease Undesirable Behaviors and Develop Potential of Children with Special Needs” by Ms.Nichapat Srinaruewan.
      The activities on the second day were storytelling using gestures which was called “Yoga Tales”. After that, parents and children joined muscle and body system training activities in 3 stations which were included wading funny checkpoint, rolling, and rally racing. Finally it was the session “Making Flowers with Parents”.
What is “Sensory Integration”?
        It is a process of receiving internal and external stimuli to interpret and adapt for appropriate expression under social rules for individual living.The clinical observation from the occupational therapists showed that children with special needs especially in autistic and ADHD children are deficient in perceiving and interpreting stimuli. Therefore the occupational therapy section arranged this project with the intention to make parents understand and have knowledge about sensory integration. Moreover, it enhanced parents and their children to do activities together which help strengthening families’ relationships. Parents could use knowledge from this camp to further training their children at homes. There were 30 families of children with special needs from Rajanukul Institute joined this camp in each batch.

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