The Siam Commercial Bank Public Company Limited contributed a computer lab to Rajanukul Institute as its accomplishment of Corporate Social Responsibility activities in the year 2015

         On Friday 18th September, 2015 at 11 a.m., representatives from Siam Commercial Bank Company Limited (SCB) and Art Business Fair Co., Ltd. Attended the Computer Lab handover ceremony at the 3rd floor of Out Patient Building of Rajanukul Institute. Dr.Amporn Benjaponpitak, the director of Rajanukul Institute and the Rajanukul staff together welcomed these representatives.
         Rajanukul Communications and Technology department has conducted many social activities with SCB in 2015, therefore the SCB donated some budget for renovation a computer lab in Rajanukul Institute. This lab will be used to develop and train Rajanukul staff in information technology to communicate with intellectual people and their families. The lab was also supported by the Art Business Fair Co., Ltd.
Rajanukul Institute would like to thank both the SCB and Art Business Fair Co., Ltd. in this regard.

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