The second Tales for Therapy in the 7th year, a good activity for special children

    On Sunday 27th December, 2015 during 9 a.m. to 12 a.m., the department of social welfare held a StoryTelling for Therapy activity for the second time of its 7th year project at Shin Soponpanich Hall at the 4th floor of the Out Patient Building. There were 42 families joined this event. It began with group activity to build relationships among the participants leaded by teacher “Nam”, Mr.PiyawatKhemthong, from H2O Music School and a psychologist from SamitivejSrinakarin, who prepared the children for their concentration and readiness before joining the activities. After that, Mama” Pueng”, Ms.RungdownYoksiri, form “Tales Could HelpGroup” fable a funny tale “I’m Smart!” Then 4 fathers came to tell their stories in their own styles, and finished with Santa Claus drawing lots and giving gifts to the children in the occasion of Christmas and New Year 2016.
   According to the individual and different needs of people with intellectual disabilities at each age, families and care takers should have proper knowledge and understanding in taking care of them. Story telling is a strategy to enhance their development appropriately. This project has been held for 7consecutive years. It intends to use the tales book as the main material to build care takers’ skill and empower the children’s families. Furthermore, it provides opportunities for families and social units to participatein taking care of these target children.

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