The training of using “Thai Early Developmental Assessment for Intervention (TEDA4I)”as a tool for helping Preschool Children with developmental problems A Workshop for Empowering Core Speakers (Main Teachers)

     During 24th-25th June,2015, the Pre-School cluster of Rajanukul Institute held a training of using “Thai Early Developmental Assessment for Intervention(TEDA4I)”as a tool for helping Preschool Children with developmental problems: A Workshop for Empowering Core Speakers (Main Teachers) Batch 1 at Montien Hotel Bangkok. There will be 3 batches in this training; the second batch workshop will be held during 30th June-1st July, and the third one will be run during 7th-8th July,2015.
      There will be 2 days for each workshop. On the first day, Dr.NoppawanSriwongpanich, the Rajanukul deputy director would give a lecture on the topic of “The assessment and early intervention in preschool children using TEDA4I”. After that, the participants would be divided into small groups to practice using TEDA4I to assess and giving intervention to preschool children with developmental problems relevant in each skills including Gross Motor ,  Fine  Motor , Perceptive Language , Expressive Language, andPersonal&Social skill. All of the practices are under the supervision of many experts from Children Hospital, Rajanukul Institute, Phramongkutklao Hospital, Prince of Songkhla University, and Rajanagarindra Institute of Child Development.
 In the second day morning, the Rajanukul Director,-Dr.Amporn, would give a lecture “The Service System for Caring Preschool Children and Situation in the Health Area Level”. Then it is the panel discussion on the topic of “Best Practice on the services to help preschool children with developmental problems usingAnamai 55,DSPM,DAIM,TDSI, DSI and TEDA4I tools”. After that,the participants would be divided again according to their working areas to work together in planning for empowering health personnel in their areas to create service systems for helping children with developmental problems.
     Also in the afternoon session, the participants have to present their plans which would be commented and getting suggestion by the child development experts, Dr.NittayaKochapakdee and Dr.SiripornKanchana, who is the Chairman of Integrated Child Developmental Project.
      The objective of this training is to make Core Speakers (Main Teachers) know and understand the TEDA4I rationale, so they can help children with delayed development by this tool. It also hopes that the participants can transfer knowledge of developmental assessment and help health personnel as well as care givers to support preschool children with delayed development continuously, correctly and properly with the same standard all over the country. The final result of this project is these groups ofchildren would be developed to their full potential, and would grow up to be citizens who live in society worthily and happily.


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