Music therapy for empowering potentiality in parents of intellectual and developmental disable children.

         Thursday 11th February 2016, from 9.00 11.00 a.m, Department of Service; Rajanukul Institute held a training “ Music Therapy” in order to empower parents andRajanukul staff on taking care children with intellectual and developmental disabilities (children with IDD) at Shin Soponpanich meeting room which is located on the 4th floor of out patient building. It was an honor to welcome Ms.Saowanee Sungkasopon, an expert in Music Therapy, to give a lecture and demonstrate making simple music instruments from waste materials such as drinking bottles with sand, plastic bags with sand. She also demonstrated how to use toys such as a small guitar and a piano to treat , rehabilitate, and promote the IDD children development. Not only for the children, but also every people at any ages could get benefits from the music therapy. There were 200 parents, staff and other people who were interested in music therapy join this event with the atmosphere of happiness and warmth.

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