Department of mental Health revealed that many people with Down Syndrome (DS) still lacked of opportunities to receive medical and educational services, and empowered parents to strengthen their self-reliance because people with DS have equal potential as

             On 17th March, 2016, Rajanukul Institute and Association for Persons with Intellectual Disability of Thailand made a press release on the occasion of World Down Syndrome Day which matched with the 21st March of every year. This event was intended to enhance understanding of potential and success of people with Down Syndrome all over the world.
            The director general of Department of Mental Health, Dr.Jedsada Chokdamrongsuk, stated that every 21st of March is the World Down’s syndrome Day to make people understand the potential and success of people with DS. The incidence of DS population in Thailand is 1:800-1000. From the 2015 population data base, there are 70,000 - 80,000 people with DS. Down syndrome is anabnormality that has 3 chromosomes no.21 which is why the 21st March is the Word Down Syndrome Day. This problem of chromosome abnormality could affect the children development since they are fetuses in wombs and after the labor. The DS children not only have typical faces that will be their stigmas, but they also have problems with physical health and development. With the continuous development of medical science and the understanding in psychological and social perspectives nowadays, there are changes and opportunity creations to make people with DS live in families and social, happily. There are many examples of children with DS who are honorable and valuable members in society such as the ones who joined today event. They could go to schools, learn, work and independently live. Some people with DS have outstanding performances, for example, singing, playing musical instruments, being conductors, dancing, being modeling or superstars. Some people can be outstanding in sports such as Bocce or artworks.
            The Department of Mental Health realizes the importance of physical and mental health as well as the development promotion of DS people. Rajanukul Institute was assigned to develop availabilities to prevent diseases, promote and rehabilitate the DS people holistically. There are services and special clinics to cover the people with DS since they were borne until 18 years old by pediatricians, child and adolescent psychiatrists, and multidisciplinary team who are expert in child development. The services are included health counseling, preventing complication, and caring for emotions and learning. The three important principles for looking after children with DS are 3Hs. They are Health care, Hope, and raising them with our Hearts. In order to help children with DS to grow up with good physical and mental quality, parents, families’ members, teachers, companies, and communities’ network have to work together. Dr.Jessada finally emphasized that he would like to ask parents not to be discouraged because children with DS could be developed.
             Dr. Amporn Benjaponpitak, director of Rajanukul Institute revealed that nowadays people with Down Syndrome lack opportunity to boost their full potential. From the 2013 data, they could access health services only 8.4%. Moreover, they also have insufficient opportunity to study in special education schools or inclusive schools. In addition, the 2014 statistics data of Thailand education showed that there were only 26,250 students with Intellectual disability studying in these kinds of schools. The development of potential in children with Down syndrome for independent living must depend on cooperation from all sectors which are family, community and relevant organizations. Therefore, the children can receive grant for education and learn according to their interest and proficiency without obstacle. The children should also receive comprehension and acceptance to grow as a valuable member of social and are capable of living with others. Using a guideline for raising children with Down syndrome with “3H principle” must be promoted and supported to ensure continuous care. The 3 H principle is comprised of Health: to prevent problem in vision and hearing that will interfere with learning. Therefore, these children must be evaluated since newborn together with continuous annual follow up. In addition, congenital cardiac problems and thyroid problems are founded in 40 % and 25% of children with Down syndrome, respectively.
            Moreover, children with Down syndrome are likely to be obese and have many complications such as hypertension easily. Consequently, they must be regularly checked up and provided appropriate health promotion to ensure their strength and development were raised to ultimate goal.  The second H is “Hope”, those children with good health and promotion of continuous learning from young age will develop themselves although with different rate than others. Therefore, giving a chance of learning for children together with suggestion, support and time will help them capable of learning and going to school, self-care, family help, work and live their lives freely and be parts of the social with pride. The last H is“Heart”.  Although taking care of special children can cause hardness to parents and families, parents who are capable of giving love, closeness, understanding and acceptance with hearts will be able to pass a hard period. At the moment, children and families have opportunities to receive various services in medical, education, vocation and living in society that facilitate parents to take care their children with hearts as seen in many schools such as Bangchan school (PleumVitayanusorn), PiboonPrachasan School, stated Director of Rajanulkul Institute.
           Mr. Suchart Owatwannasakul, president of Association for Persons with Intellectual Disability of Thailand, as a representative for a group of “Strong Parents”, stated that “Every Parents dream of equal opportunity in education for their Down Syndrome children. Nowadays, he admitted that many schools reject admission of children with special needs or children with ID to study with other students. The reason for reject may be from many factors; however, Mr. Suchart stated that “teachers and their executives should not be blamed”. Therefore, he would like to plead everybody to help and give children a chance. Children with Down syndrome are capable to be developed although slower than others with the same age. Studying in an inclusive class is very important because children with DS will learn many skills from friends at the same age that will lead to well development and will also affect to their self-help in the future.
           On world Down Syndrome day, there were many activities in many regions such as “Walk and Run Project” to empower a group of Down Syndrome started from Chiangmai University to Chiangmai zoo, “Equal Today activity” from a group of Down Syndrome miracle of love, “The Down movie activity” can also be viewed for free at Siam Paragon theater on March 22, 2016. Also,there will exhibit a fashion show: The face of Down at Siam Square One shopping mall on March 28, 2016. On this occasion, Mr.Suchart would like to ask for help from media to disseminate information and invite people to follow these activities.
****************************17 March 2016

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