Rajanukul Institute celebrated the 2015 National Children’s Day

              On Friday 9th January,2015 during 8.00-14.00,Rajanukul Institute held the 2015 National Children Day Celebration  to give our special children a gift. In the morning, there were games according to the children age such as “kids come to moms”, “Superman running”, “Fun chairs”, and “100 legs together”.
            At 9.00 am, Dr.Panpimol Vipulakorn, Deputy Director of Department of Mental Health, gave an honor to be the chairman to open the children’s day celebration. After that, the representative from UNICEF gave awards for children who won the games.
            The administrators and the representative from UNICEF visited IQ&EQ enhancement booths by multidisciplinary team from Rajanukul Institute. Parents of tales create group fabled which entertained the children who came to the celebration.
            In the afternoon, the children enjoyed the music from Cattleya Band and played games with Mr.Tiger, a famous actor, then received gifts and rewards.

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